YCH Auto Advisors is an independently owned and operated Personal Car Shopper - Consumer Advocate - Car Consulting Company. I AM NOT AFFILIATED OR COMPENSATED BY ANY dealership, manufacturer, or lending institution. MY FEE for services comes from you as the consumer for my time and expertise. I NEVER ask for/get your personal information (such as social security number, date of birth, etc.). My recommendations are based on my experiences as a car salesperson from 2016-2023. Should the vehicle in question ever have any issues, mechanical or otherwise, I cannot be held responsible as I am not the selling/buying party. I am a middleman between parties. The advice given cannot be held against me; I am providing services for a fee, based on the time each service is needed to complete and my involvement in the purchase/sale. Basically, if you find out another dealership would have given you an extra $10 off of the same car, or you find a cheaper pre-owned vehicle that’s similar to the one you purchased, you can’t come after me. The information provided to you by me is based on the research I do. I look at as many dealerships and vehicles as possible, within reason and there will always be another dealership that will beat a deal over just a few dollars (primarily new car reference). Incentives change, every vehicle purchase is different. I can’t/won’t be held responsible if one month interest rates go down and/or incentives go up. I have no control over that; I can only work with what is currently going on at that time you purchase my services in the new/used car market, and it can shift week to week.
I am stating the above & below for my own protection, these days you can never be too careful, but I do promise I'm not out to take advantage of anyone, not anymore.
BY PURCHASING MY SERVICES, YOU ALSO AGREE that all money paid is final, unless otherwise discussed ahead of time (my no fee guarantee) and put into writing via text message or email. There are no refunds. Cancellations of services will be at my discretion ONLY and will be taken case by case. Example: I know there is nothing I can do to help you, although I likely wouldn't have charged you. Refunds and/or cancellations are at my discretion. If you sign up for a service and I put in time to help you with the service you purchased and you do not take my recommendations or do not purchase a vehicle because minds where changed, you understand there is no refund either. Me putting in the work, getting you “the deal”, only to “hold off” also constitutes fulfillment.
Our agreement with you as the client will depend on the type of service you purchase. 1) A vehicle purchase/sale completes our agreement; 2) As well as if we start looking for a vehicle then you choose to stop looking or no contact has been made by you for 10 calendar days and/or do not purchase a vehicle or purchase one without my assistance, and my time has been spent working on your behalf, the agreement has also been fulfilled. Example: We spend time on the phone or email, I start to do research on your behalf, you decide you don’t want to buy a car any longer, there will be no guaranteed refund of any money, except at my discretion out of goodwill. You can't blame me for wanting to be compensated for the time I spend for your benefit, as these services I offer are my sole source of income.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to some misunderstanding about my services, I've felt the need to add the following about what I do and an additional parameter that also fulfills our agreement.
- I look for a vehicle to fit your wants and needs based on our consultation, I ask many questions during the initial consultation or two. I would then do a very extensive search. The list I compile, it could be four cars, it could be 20, the type of car and availability will dictate how many options I present to you.
- I would ask you to rank your top choices of those vehicles. I would send them over via a Google Sheets format, I would ask you to rank your top 3-5, even if there are 20 on the list, I'd only ask for your top 3-5. I want to know which you love the most, 2nd most, etc.
- I reach out to the first (possibly two) vehicles dealership and confirm the vehicle(s) availability. If it's not available we move onto the next one; if it is available, we would see what can be done on the price.
PLEASE NOTE: I do NOT guarantee any savings on a pre-owned vehicle, because if two almost identical vehicles are listed online, one for 40k and one for 43k, and the “market” is saying these particular vehicles are worth about 42k, I'd send you the one that is already under market. I try to find vehicles that are already excellent values and do my best to get additional savings. The dealership who I reach out to may try to add nothing to the cost in terms of fees/packages or they could try to add 5k. If they won't budge on the price and require 3k worth of add-ons, we move onto the next one.
-The service I provide is designed to be quick & efficient. A client’s indecisiveness can do more harm than good, for all parties; and I can’t start contacting dealerships until we have a very good path to go down for you, which we would work towards TOGETHER. I’m not saying it is going to take me an hour to have everything finalized and wrapped up for you, but it's also NOT a "retainer" type agreement that allows you to say no for weeks to vehicles I send that DO fit your parameters; I understand the perfect vehicle may not be out there today, it could be next week; but I can't do 50 different searches over the next two months, it's a service, NOT a retainer agreement. I've found folks the perfect vehicle in 20 minutes and saved them $6k when it was done, I've had to take a week and saved $1,200. Every situation is different, but it's designed to find the car, get you into the car quickly, because I do work with so many clients, it's difficult to have one pending for weeks that isn't quite happy with what I've found them and being a little too picky. I do understand the desire for the perfect vehicle, and I will do my best, within reason. I'm not trying to be done with you and shove you into the first car I see in an hour and laugh all the way to the bank. I strive for fairness and value because that's what my business is about, making sure it's great for you, but I do have to account for fairness on both sides and can't spend 40 hours over 3 weeks with one client.
SORRY THERE IS MORE: There are THREE different factors that I like to say I save my clients. It's the #1 TIME to do the search, you can do it on your own, but how much longer is it going to take you than me, I sold cars for 6.5 years, so I'm familiar with all available search options, how to narrow down and filter and search through the listings faster, look for things you may not know to look for on a Carfax if it’s a pre-owned vehicle. The #2 AGGRAVATION of having to contact the dealer(s) that need to be contacted.
PRE-OWNED CAR ADDITIONAL: I have decided I need to put a 2 dealership MAXIMUM contact in place, due to the time of reaching out to multiple dealerships, as well as the initial searches performed, time on the phone with you, the client, etc. I can't/won't contact 10 dealers about 10 different pre-owned cars and get them to give their best price on each individual pre-owned vehicle, that's just not advantageous for anyone. To contact 10 dealers for 10 different “best prices” would literally take 2-3 days or so to fulfill that request on those 10 pre-owned vehicles; and the vehicle we are most interested in, could be sold while we are waiting for your 7th favorite price to come in 2 days later.
That being said, if I reach out to dealer #1 and #2 and both (pre-owned) are sold, those do not count towards the 2 maximum. It's when I start contact with the dealer and after several days of continued contact with the dealer and with each other (myself and you), and we move onto another pre-owned vehicle, at your request, then it counts. Depending on the time involved with the first two, I may start contacting a third at no additional cost (additional cost would be discussed at that time, if you choose not to move forward with additional cost; or either of the first two vehicles, their availability is no longer relevant, my obligation has been fulfilled, again, I will be fair). The service is a flat fee, yes, but there is still an approximate time limit involved per service/fee chosen.
Pre-owned Example: After 9 days of going back and forth with one dealer, you decide you don’t want that car for various reasons, that will count as one dealer.
NEW CAR ADDITIONAL: I will always reach out to as many new car dealers as possible, depending how many different dealers within your area have the correct vehicle,
This is a reference to a pre-owned unique vehicle; a new vehicle, that there are 20 identical ones within our search area, is much quicker and easier, and I will be doing that, for sure J.
New Car Example: You have me reach out for a particular “NEW” vehicle because that’s 100% the one you want, then adjust your budget down after I’ve already negotiated the price down on the vehicle you 100% wanted, that counts as one dealer contact.
Not trying to be a jerk, just fair.
The final saving is #3 MONEY, you will have read above I guarantee no savings on a pre-owned vehicle, well, what's the point of having me help, like I also do say above, if I find two similar vehicles, and one is less money, I'm going to send you the lesser expensive one because it's already less expensive than the other one. If you are trading in, or financing, there would be additional savings there as well. On a new car, there are very few vehicles I can’t negotiate on for you J
The $5,500 dollars saved on average per deal I refer to; encompass 3 different amounts, the money saved on the vehicle itself, the amount received for your trade vs a dealers initial offer, and amount financed at a lower rate than the dealership would offer. All situations are different, sometimes a cash buyer saving $500 is a victory on a specialty car, sometimes saving $18,500 is where the savings end up, every purchase is different.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know before we get started; if you pay, then read this and/or want to cancel before I get started searching, I would likely offer a full refund minus credit card processing fee initially charged to me.
Please note when I say that I will be with you 'every step of the way'. That means via email and phone/text, and within reasonable hours. I am in Buffalo, NY, which is Eastern Time Zone.
Any videos produced and put out for viewing are not to be re-used for commercial use without my written consent; videos can be posted on my own website, my Facebook page, YouTube, etc. Any wording on my website is written by me, for my use and my clients’ use.
Be kindly warned: If you file a chargeback against my company, or say any falsehoods anywhere to/about me, including negative reviews left for any unfair/untrue reason, I will use any contact we have, verbal or written to call you out on social media in any way I deem fit. All calls will be recorded for this reason and you consent to that by contacting me or paying for my services. Only those looking to do harm to myself and my company/brand need worry. The rest of you, let’s save you some money!
BY BEING ON THIS WEBSITE, or receiving this via invoice, you acknowledge and accept and agree to the terms and conditions set forth, and understand the terms and conditions set above as well any anything new I come up with along the way and add here!
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